
Threshold sits at the intersection of living, technology, and the home. Made at the Building Research Establishment’s English Innovation Park where building science is researched and tested, these developments are applied at the park in a test bed: part show homes part laboratory full scale demonstration buildings. 

Its aim is to address the current and future issues of housing construction. Ecological impact, cost of housing, energy consumption and sustainability are some of the pressing areas being explored by commercial and industrial participants at the park. This may come about with the development of new materials, methods and technology, which are not always visible. Via this, solutions are waiting to be discovered. 

Inside these buildings, we find each furnished. This gives the appearance of habitation, utilising set-like interiors, an idealism manifested physically.

Through the objects, decor, and styles an identity of fictional occupiers can be constructed. From this a question can be asked as to who these buildings might be designed for and what kind of society they are intended for.

Do these idealised domestic surfaces speak of a current standard? What aspirations, values or tastes are implied? Do the interiors reflect a current zeitgeist? What is revealed about ourselves, domesticity and the world we live in, and within this can the idealism, promise and future challenges be met and achieved.

With thanks to Building Reserch Establisment